Naturalgoritm is a decoration concept founded in Romania few years ago from the need to express nature, to unveil its structure and hidden meanings to the human eye, using only local natural materials to make unique pieces of art that express the spirit of the place, bring unseen elements in front, create magic mysterious environments, expand consciousness by focusing the viewer on new unknown parallel dimensions and the harmonious relationships with the Whole.
This is not art in the classical way of understanding it, where the artist is the master, here the place is the master and the person the instrument, it´s the direct, full connection between the heart of the person and the heart of the Earth, the focus to hear the voice of nature and the balance to put it in work.
Decorated on parties in Romania, Sweden, Norway, Germany, California, Switzerland, Greece. In Romania initiated the only-natural decoration concept within Rebirth in Aether Festival which has been a great platform for people to express themselves with materials found on site. In time, it has gathered many people that share the same passion and has become an unstoppable phenomenon :)
This gate was at one end of the axis N-S up the cliffs of the hill, a spot that from down cached your attention because of the big stone wall as well as for the fact that there were two trees, facing another two on the other side of the valley on the other hill, making very clear that this axis had to be displayed and used for the flow of the place. Going up i discovered there were actually three trees, one in the back that made the whole area a triangle of pine trees that had in the middle a bush, so i made a small altar by bringing all special branches around the bush to have a live but robust center of the area, and from three branches that i found i made this vortex that i tied between the two trees seen from below to have a concentrated point of focus of energy to give to the rest of the axis system.
This gate was the first thing that came into my mind as i took a walk when i arrived at the location, the view over the lake was beautiful, sunset was lighting the opposite hill that came right in the middle of the two trees at the shore, the view was clearly needing a frame to express in a more compressed way the beauty of the place. After this first impact i made all the connections with the sunrise, the axis E-V, the gate towards the lake and the dragon as a focused energy flow. The Key of the gate has been sent by the Universe to fulfill the work and make it a work of art.
Location for this work is a valley between two small hills E-V oriented, at the intersection between 2 main axis: sunrise-sunset axis (line drawn between a viking traditional house and the middle of two trees on the shore of the lake where the sunset gate is, framing perfectly a hill) and perpendicular axis expressed by the tension created by two stone walls and the line drawn through the middle of 2 pairs of high trees on the tops facing each other marked by two aerial light wooden vortexes. To rise the energy flow of the valley i captured the energy of this intersection with a dragon (viking mythological figure) that faces the rising sun and thus the dancefloor in perfect alignment through the sunrise gate Key to the tip of the hill on the opposite side of the lake. The dragon has a tree branch body with trunk skeleton and head stone mass, long grass eyes, clay nose tip and stone tongue. He is killed by spears (the physical body) but he transmits the ancient knowledge for the following generations giving chance for a positive creative change leaving unnecessary things behind. The tongue unifies in harmonious design both mineral and organical material, red stone altar as a deep going channel with the ground connected through convex stone curve with the pine cone spirals on the ground resulting in a stone idol on the tip, image of a rawly exact cut standing stone shape. The idol is our core, the Unchanging Spirit.
After a disappointing discussion with the organizer of the festival one week before festival start when he told my work at the festival is going to be covered in backdrops, i went deep in the forest and found this place, a clear but abstract place of transition, something changed but couldn't say what, light, forest type, slope, etc so i decided to build a gate there and tell no one about it to be a secret special place of the festival. Fallen trees were plenty, moss and branches also, so after couple of hours a door and a window appeared , butafory of a house from the dark far-away ages to invite people in the Mystery of the unspoiled forest...